NEAT ID Committee Membership:
Integration Grant Committee (Vice-Chair)
Clinical Trials Committee
Dr Raffi is a specialist in Internal Medicine, Infectious and Tropical Diseases and holds a
PhD in Pharmacology.
He is Head of Department of Infectious Diseases, University Hospital, Nantes, France and Professor of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, University of Nantes.
Clinical research positions/Memberships:
French Agency for AIDS Research (ANRS): Member of the Antiretroviral Agents Committee
Member of NEAT ID Foundation (European Network for HIV Research)
He is a past Member of the writing committee of the French Panel on ‘Guidelines for Antiretroviral Use in HIV infection’, (1996-2012). Current Member of the writing committees of the European AIDS Clinical Society. Member of the Scientific Committee of the French Infectious Diseases Society National.
Principal investigator of several national (ANRS) and international Phase I–III trials in HIV infection therapy and publication of numerous papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals.
Investigator in National Trials on Antibiotic Therapy (RENARCI Group).
Co-chair of the French national cohort APROCO-COPILOTE and has contributed to over 70 publications.